Bo Derek Interview by Dawn Reese
Dawn Reese Industry Interview
with BO DEREK *
Before I start this Awesome Interview, I wish to say how I'm really impressed with this Lady and all she has accomplished in her life. She is still going strong, with new business ideas. She loves animals, and makes great products for pets. I had a chance to open a bottle of Shampoo for Pets while looking at all she has for sale. My mother is my photographer during this interview. She opens another bottle & it smells so great. A lady that was walking by says "Let me see it" and took it out of my mom's hands. She quickly said "I'm buying this". You can see for yourself at any Petco Store how great this shampoo is, as I will use it on my poodle. I know you all will love this product. This interview is with a very special lady, Miss Bo Derek, who single-handedly set one of the biggest trends of the early 1980's. For a long while, any place you went you saw women wearing their hair in corn-rows just like Bo wore in the box-office hit "10", co-starring Dudley Moore & Julie Andrews. The image of that tightly wound hair framing the face of this beautiful actress burned itself into our culture. Men wanted to look at her, & women wanted to look like her. Bo had starring roles in each of the following Feature Films:
Wind On Water 1998, Tommy Boy 1995, Shattered Image 1994,
Sognado la California 1993, Woman of Desire 1993, Hot Chocolate 1992,
Ghosts Can't Do It 1990, Bolero 1984, Tarzan The Ape Man 1981,
Once Upon A Love 1981, Change of Seasons 1980, 10 1979, Orca 1977
DR: Hello Bo. I wish to learn about your product. Can you tell me more about it?
BO: It's named 'Bless the Beast'. I have been working on this for 5 years and the Company is all mine, I started with Dogs First Shampoo and Conditioner fragrance for the Home Candles.
DR: Oh!!  This is so great, and it's a very needed item. Are there any Non-Profit Organizations you're involved in?
BO: I'm on the Board of many. A portion of my profits will go to 'K9 Companions for Independence'.
DR: That's wonderful, Bo. Your acting is truly awesome. Can you tell me what we can look for you in soon?
BO: I just finished "Murder at the Cannes Film Festival" this past summer, and I think it will be out this Dec. I just got done in Canada filming "Life in the Balance". It will be out next year.
DR: BO, I have so many people that would love to hear advice from the heart from you. You are so beautiful inside and out, so tell us just how to keep going to attain their dream in this business.
BO: Oh Gosh! It is such a world of Chance and Luck. You can not take Success or Failing personally, because of the fact it IS all about being at the Right Place at the Right Time. Do not take it personally.
DR: I agree. Those ARE great Words of Wisdom. I do have to ask you about Cats & Horses.
BO: Cats will be out soon. Then soon afterwards, Horses. I am with Petco at this time in 500 Stores. I'm Petco's Execlusive Supplier for one year.
DR: Where can people write you, Bo?
BO: I take mail at my New Website,
DR: Thank you, Bo. It's been such a pleasure. I wish you great success. I'll be using your product for my poodle. Thank you for the time. I look forward to promoting your product line with PAPRO & also in "Truth Magazine".
BO: Thank you, Dawn.
Read Bo's Hollywood Fashion Machine Interview
DR: Until next time, this is Dawn Reese. Reporting from Dawn 'til Dusk, simply because that's me! That is why I call myself The Winning Edge. Pageant Gals really need to bring Headshots and Demos to Pageants. Not leave them at home. This is so Important. If anyone is interested in the Demo Tape of the World Championships of Performing Arts, send $5 for postage. I can send it to you, and you will see this Awesome Event in Hollywood, California. Send $5 to: Winning Edge, P.O. Box 33722, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 33420
Dawn's Interviews . .